Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thanks to EVERYONE

That's all of the gifts that have come to date. If anyone else has sent something that we should watch for, let me know! Thank you SO MUCH for participating in my online baby shower. And, thanks very much to the ladies who organized everything behind the scenes: Amanda, Lise and Erin. :D


  1. One big box from us will be on its way to you next week. :)

  2. keep looking for a Skwish and BornFree bottles and accessories...

    This was so great! I love this idea--really fun. Thanks Amanda, Lise, and Erin! I'm excited to use those bath salts!

  3. Thank you Erin and Lisé for all of your help! This turned out wonderfully!

  4. Yes, thank you to Amanda, Lise and Erin!!

    Linds, you should keep an eye out for an email - if it doesn't arrive by close of business on Monday (maybe they don't process orders on the weekend) please let me know.

    PS - Let me know if you want to know what it is or if you want a surprise...

  5. Wonderful job Amanda and Lise!

    Good luck and congratulations Linds!

  6. Who's next in line? I want to do another online baby shower!

  7. Thank you! I'll send out individual thanks as things arrive. You all spoil me!!
